Weekly meetings are held every Wednesday evening (6:30PM-8:30PM), with the exception of when certain holidays (ie: Independence Day, Christmas & New Year’s) occasionally happen to be competing for our Wednesdays.
Effective 05/08/2024, we’re now meeting at the Northminster Presbyterian Church.
The church is located at 3235 Pope Ave, Sacramento 95821.
We are no longer having any meetings/activities at our former Las Cruces Way location.
Each Wednesday, we typically start gathering shortly after 6 PM, get the room set up by 6:30 PM, spend some time socializing and handling stamps until 8 PM, have an 8 PM short “business” meeting, have a drawing for the door prizes, and then start cleaning up sometime after 8:30 PM. At our weekly in-person meetings, we normally have our Club Sales Circuit available for attendees to shop at, and we also normally have our club owned “5-cent” bins available for attendees to search through. Attendees often enjoy just talking about their collections, and sharing their knowledge with others. Plus, “Shoe Box” size containers of the 5¢ stamps can be taken home by members to search through during the week. With the 5 cent bins, you get the opportunity to leisurely cherry pick through a box of loose stamps, and then just pay for the ones that you want to keep (whether you want one stamp or a thousand, the price is still 5 cents apiece).
Weekly door prizes are distributed during the business part of the meeting, for attendees who arrive in time to get a door prize ticket before 8 PM.
We also normally have our club library of philatelic literature available at each meeting.
Our board members now regularly meet on the third Wednesday of each month, at 8:30 PM, in the same room that we use for the weekly club meetings. All club members are welcome to attend board meetings, but non-board members don’t get to cast official votes for decisions being made at a board meeting. If a member wishes to attend a board meeting using Zoom, then see the Zoom info shown below. Prior to 09/2023, the board meetings were being held on the second Wednesday of each month.
For one of our December meeting dates, rather than a regular meeting, we normally have a holiday potluck meal. Members are encouraged to bring family members/significant others to our potlucks. The specific date gets mentioned in The Prospector, and detailed information get sent to members via email.
On Wednesday 12/01/2021, we combined our regular weekly meeting with an on-line Zoom meeting, allowing our on-liners to be able to see what they’ve been missing out on at our new meeting location (we just started meeting there in July – see details below). The Zoom meeting started at 7:00 PM Pacific Time. If you would like to receive an invitation for a future Zoom meeting, please contact Joanne or email us at
On Wednesday 12/15/2021, rather than a regular meeting, we had a holiday potluck. This particular Wednesday was one of the very few times that we were not dealing with any stamps. Members were encouraged to bring family members/significant others.
On Wednesday 04/06/2022, we held a silent bid sale at our weekly meeting. At our silent bid sales, all lots are required to be of philatelic nature, and current SPS membership is required for all consignors and all bidders.
On Wednesday 05/25/2022 we held our annual election of officers & directors.

Occasionally we do still gather for Zoom meetings. Please note that all of our in-person meetings have resumed (with nothing being temporarily canceled due to COVID-19). If you’re interested in getting a ZOOM meeting scheduled, please contact Joanne or email us at