Annual membership period is January 1st through December 31st.
List of current officers
Membership application
Membership renewal
Facebook Group
Membership rosters are distributed to members annually, typically in late March.
SPS Emails & eBlasts
Members can have their newsletters sent to them via email. Our email distribution is managed by Robert Pope. If you’re an SPS member who’s not receiving regular stamp club emails from Robert Pope (and you’ve already checked through your spam/junk emails), then you can contact Robert Pope (his email address is shown below) to provide him with your current email address.
If you’re an SPS member, and you are needing a USPS mailed printed copy of The Philatelic Prospector (our bi-monthly newsletter), or the Membership Directory (our roster), then please contact Robert Pope.
This portion is currently under construction. Please check back soon, to get additional updated information for our members.